I must say that I have not experienced many faults or problems with the engine during my time with the Range Rover P38 however just recently and at a inconvenient place and time it suddenly died and refused to start when it got warmed up.
It was wintertime and I was visiting my cabin in the Swedish mountains about 350km away from nearest authorized Land Rover workshop (a fairly remote location).
Luckily I had my Faultmate MSV-2 with me so I thought that ´I just hook it up and take a look at the fault log and order the faulty part´ ehh....... I thought, I checked every possible cause with the help of the Faultmate but it kept telling me that nothing was wrong.
Never the less the engine just died after about 5-15minutes after starting it (depending on outside temperature) and then refused to start for up to 2 hours.
Without having any idea of what it could be I started to read the RAV manual and found out that one of the sensors (I believe the only one) that wouldn't put the vehicle in link back mode in case of a failure and simply make it impossible to start was the crank angle position sensor.
However my P38 didn't exactly completely refuse to start it just did so when warmed up (not hot but warmed up), so I started to read some Land Rover forums to get some hands on experience inputs.
I now took the forum and RAV knowledge and put it in the mixer out of the mixer came some suspected components that I now sorted in to a ranking list for possible causes this is the list.