For people with old, bad or just tired eyes it can sometimes be quite hard to read text on different websites and there are many reasons why this can be is no exception even here some is struggeling and maight find some of the text to be hard to read.

However there is ways to cure those things at the user end with somesimple commands and/or free software tools you will easily become able to customize not only the font size but also color of fonts and background!
The first and most basic would be to simply enlarge the whole web page which is fairly simple as the examples that follow will show.
For windows users:
With you keyboard
To zoom in, increasing the size, press and hold Ctrl while pressing +.
To zoom out, decreasing the size, press and hold Ctrl while pressing -.
To reset size back to normal, press and hold Ctrl while pressing 0
With you Mouse
If your mouse has a scroll wheel, press and hold Ctrl while scrolling up to zoom in and down to zoom out.
For MAC users:
Same as for Windows users except use the Apple key (Command) key instead of Ctrl.
Linux users:
Same as Windows Chrome OS users:
Same as Windows
For Extended control I can recommend the following plug-ins:
NoSquint (A Firefox plug-in): Get it here:link
It makes it possible to zoom, change text color, background color, Override the default text-only and full-page (both text and images) zoom levels for all websites
Enforce your own foreground and background colors,
remember your zoom levels and color settings per site, automatically applying them when you return.
Disagree with what NoSquint calls a site?
A powerful exceptions mechanism lets you split up or group together sites with URL patterns.
Google Chrome Extensions for Accessibility:
Find them here:
Please send me tips about good tools you would like to put on this list!