Diy photo gear by

Some more test images :0)
  Fuji NPS160 an overview (Old film and my scanner canon 9950F didn't´t like it)
  Image size about 16000x5000px 20MB at jpg quality 10 :0}
  Crop from the image above 100%
This is the buss in the image at 100%
  2nd scan about the same dimensions as the previous scan.
  I did scan this image with Vuescan and saved it as raw .dng file, it
   became 1.96Gigabyte!!!!
  (Click here to download 1600x500px file 300kb)
Crop 1 100% from the above image.
Crop 2 100% from image above.
Now a B&W image, Ilford Delta 100
  (Click here to download 1600x500px file 300kb)
Crop 1 100%
Crop 2 100%
  I guess that I could have use of an proper center ND filter in the future
  But to start with I will use software center filtering just because it is
  cheaper :0) ref:
  All scanning performed by me and my Canon 9950F.
  Next roll of film will be slidefilm as I believe that the 9950F likes that
  kind of film better :0)
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