Projectors for photographers review by Stockholmviews.com, page 2
Digital and Analog projector head to head comparison
Red squares on the image to the left
highlights the positions from where
the crops is taken for this head to
head Digital vs Analog projector
shoot out.
The left image represents the digital
photo of the film screen as taken with
a Nikon D200 and Sigma 70mm F2:8
Marco lens, this lens is very sharp.
The digital image projected by the Panasonic PT-AE 3000 was scaled to
1080px high from a 4000dpi scan.
Panasonic PT-AE 3000 photographed
with a Nikon D200 this is a 100%
crop from the digital photo above.
Leica P150 Fuji Velvia 100projected and photographed with a Nikon D200 this is a 100% crop from the digital photo above.
Panasonic PT-AE 3000 again sky is
smooth and looks virtually the same as
the analog projected image to the
right, some color fringing can be spotted.
Leica P150, here you can find one of
the drawbacks with analog, DUST!
Dust is easily cloned away in the digital world. In the analog world you have to live with it!
Panasonic PT-AE 3000, compared to the analog image, the digital version
has a bit more power in the colors.
Color management is also one of the great advantages in the digital world!
Leica P150.
This crop is
looking virtually the same
as the digital version maybe a bit
less sharp.
Digital pros and cons (Panasonic PT-AE 3000)
Analog pros and cons (Leica P150)
Pros |
Pros |
- Color management possibility.
- Easy to edit an clean images for display.
- Easy to make impressive slide shows
- No annoying focus problems (popping slides).
- The now and the future
- Storage of digital images does not take
up as much space as slides.
- Shoot develop and display.
- Cheap compared to digital.
- The retro and as shoot feel :0)
- The feel of having the original
in your hand.
- Low tech (anyone can handle it).
Cons |
Cons |
- Expensive.
- You need a computer ar DVD player to
show your images (Some cameras can output
through HDMI directly thought).
- Preparing images can be time consuming.
- Digital files is also delicate and you might
loose them forever unless you are carefully.
- Might be too high tech for some.
- Dust is your enemy.
- Slides will bleach in the long run.
- Glas less frames will make your images
pop (Change focus now and then during display).
- Film might disappear from the shelf's (or at least become expensive).
- More than one projector is needed to get
possibility to make a nice pro style slide show.
- Slide storage and administration is bulky
and time consuming.
The images above does not tell you the whole truth in regards of
subjective experienced image appearance. In fact at the correct
viewing distance the digital image will appear both sharper and more
than the analog projected slide.
This is a
consequence of the fact that we are able to adjust and
improve the image to
a point that the scene will look just like we remembered it and not just as the camera captured it, some purists would call this cheating, I don't! |
I will continue this review as soon as I get some spare time. |
I will then compare a scanned slide with a digital camera image, both projected by the
Panasonic Beamer!
Any other tests you want me to perform? sent me an e-mail with your request/suggestion and I will think about it :0) email to stockholmviews*gmail.com (replace*with@)