Winex Nanofly Synthetic
shuttlecock Review "kind of"
This Nano fly "review"
will continue to be updated during the development process
until we reach the goal and a final commercially version is available
so keep this in
mind when you are reading about this product and its different
development phases.
Synthetic shuttles some Back ground talk
Well while we are still waiting for the breakthrough of the carbon fibre feather shuttle
to 100% mimics the flight of a perfect goose feather shuttle at a fraction of the
price and with a lifespan of 10 goose shuttles we have to se what's going on in the
nylon polymer shuttle development :0)
Years ago
Dr Alison Cooke wrote a Thesis on Shuttlecock Aerodynamics & Mechanics
that was a stage in the right direction of the understanding of the complex function
of a badminton shuttle aerodynamics and flight characteristics.
In March 1994 The New Scientist wrote a report that stated:"More than forty years
since the invention of the synthetic shuttlecock, players at next week's All England
Open Badminton Championship in Birmingham will still be using goose feather designs
dating from the early part of the century. Top players and coaches say manufacturers
have yet to produce a synthetic shuttle that's as good as the real thing. But now
manufacturers are hitting back. They're beginning to work
out why feathered flight is
so difficult to copy and claim that within 18 mt a new generation of shuttlecocks with
carbon fibre 'feathers' will transform players' attitudes."
We are still waiting by 2011!
Weight figures
- Yonex mavis 350 blue/medium 5,13g A previous favorite.
- Yonex mavis 2000 blue/medium 5,43g My #1 choice for synthetics right now.
- Winex nanofly (my first version suppose to be speed 77) 5,64g
- Winex nanofly (2nd version I tried suppose to be speed 77) 5,58g
- Winex nanofly (3rd version synthetic cork, "white" suppose to be speed 77) 5,34g Best version so far, in fact a joy to play but there are still some issues (look further down the page)
- Winex nanofly (3rd version real cork, "white" suppose to be speed 76) 4,99g way to slow for our use and conditions

The newest synthetic
cork Nanofly arrived in a red tube and the real cork
version in a signal green colored tube.
They both came in speed rating 77 (Marked on the tubes)

- V2 tested below. - Middle the latest syntetich cork version. - Right the real cork
The new Winex Nanofly
samples has just arrived and they looks impressive.
I have now ben able to get time to test the new versions.
The first impression I get when I squeeze and look at the new samples
is that the cork head version looks and feels rely impressive.
I also noticed the new reinforcement ring in the skirt mould close to
the cork base
arrow in the image) this
should help the durability and is introduced in both of the
new versions I received .
How they play.
The new version with
synthetic cork
(This is the best version I tried
so far and better than the nature cork version)
+ Speed was nice and close to the 77 speed rating marked on the tube.
+ Feels nice to hit.
+ Smash and drop shots can be performed with desirable result.
+ Steams doesn't brake close to the cork like the earlier version (Thank's to the redesign with a
ring close to the
- Still brakes quite fast in the mid part of the skirt (Probably due to sharp corners in
the mould ??)
- Aerodynamic design not yet fully developed the shuttle suddenly and
stops to propell (Spin) and flight is unstable.
- Strange behaviour wobbles in a funny way if you slice your stroke (I newer seen this in any
other synthetic or feather
The new version with
nature cork
(First real cork NanoFly version I
have tried)
+ Greater look and quality feeling than the synthetic.
+ Better durability than the synthetic version (Why?
the skirt design appears to
be the same.)
- I received this
version in a tube marked with speed 77 as well, but it is much slower
than the 77 speed I'm used to play and
also much slower than the synthetic 77
speed NanoFly version I received at the
same time.
I had this explained by Winex later, the shuttles
I received was actually a 76 speed
version aimed for the Asian market and my
tube got the wrong marking.
(It Would be nice to try the
cork version in 77 and 78
speed :0)
- In fact the real cork version 76speed sample I tried was far to slow
to judge
a fair way.
- Same stability problem and problem with propelling randomly and
suddenly stopping.
arrow point at the weak point where it breaks.
smother transition in the mould should probably help to solve this

Red arrow shows
the feather part of the skirt.
redesign of this part should probably help to solve the propelling and
instability issue.

The small wire/resistor
in the image was used to squeeze the damaged shuttle in a way so it is easy to get
a view of the damaged parts of the shuttle, in real life the shuttle kept its shape in a way so it would be hard
to capture the damages with a camera.
test of the V3-4 has ben performed this week and I would like to add some
comments about that.
The above shuttle was played for two complete games of double (21-17, 21-15).
Arrows and
numbers show the weak points of the design in regards of life length.
1. The skirt "Feather part"
2. The upper steam support ring (as mentioned above)
3. The mid support ring brakes where it meets the steams.
After a few games with the Nanofly we reverted back to the good old Yonex Mavis 350.
I was surprised over the difference, the 350's had a much different way to fly and I
experienced that when I smashed the Mavis 350 it went like a rocket compared to the
Nanofly that slowed down faster and allowed the defending team to return quite a few more smashes.
The short serve
also behave quite differently in regards of Nanofly vs Mavis 350
the 350 was traveling in a longer arc compared to the Nanofly which dived in a way
much closer to the real thing (read feather) than the 350's.
Then Nanofly in my version
#3 with synthetic cork is the best version I tried so far
It still have some issues that has to be solved
before it reach the shelves however
I was happy to see that they now last longer than before, I'm also pleased to see that
even if they brake a little here and there they still behave nice and
play almost as if
they were new!!
The biggest problem right now is the sudden stops propelling issue which in fact is
mostly a psychological problem
since the shuttle appear to be stable with or without
propelling it also appears to travel at the same speed in both propelling and static
Still many minuses,
however they are fewer then before.
For the next version I hope for a redesign of the aft part of the skirt
to solve the stability and mechanical rigidity plus the propelling issue.
real cork head and base reinforcement ring in a close up.
Update Version #2
tested ! (May 2010)

version marked 10.5.5 - 1st version 20100415.
Pen marking was made by me
to keep
them apart. |
just received the version #2 of the Nanofly shuttle cocks from from
Mr HY Wang at Winex.
Mr Wang says that the sample I received before
wasn't´t the final version
so I will retest the
Nanofly in Version 2(Beta!) |
I also hope to get some samples of the Version #3 that might be the
final production quality version, I have been informed that they then
will be
equipped with a natural cork instead of the Alpha and Beta synthetic
My first impression of the new version (By
looking at them and holding
them in my hand).
Is that they probably will last longer, the polymer in the "feathers"
are now
a bit softer than the V2 but still stiffer than the Mavis 350 and 2000.
Otherwise they look the same as the V1, I played them on Friday 27 May
I can confirm that there have been some development done on this second
version that I have had the opportunity to try out the durability has
and I didn't experienced any steams broken close to the "cork" like
they did
in the first edition.
When they brake it is mainly in the aft part of the skirt and the brake
in a
way that looks pretty much like the first
However I got a feeling that it took quite a bit longer until they
started to
to crack down and become unplayable.
This is how it looks after
about 1 1/2 game.
Not much to say in regards
of durability any longer
since this is about the life
span we have learned to
accept from any quality
plastic shuttlecock.
How do they play then?
Well the impression from the MK1 are still valid and the MK2 fly and
exactly the same, sounds the same and they still stops to spin now and
and still feels a bit heavy to hit.
The 77 speed samples that I have tried are faster and fly longer than
350 and 2000 Mavises in Medium "Blue" speed that I normally use when I
play plastic and they also go further and faster than a 77 feather
However this is not a big problem since the Nanofly comes in several
speeds than 77 which is the 2nd fastest so it should be easy to find a
suitable speed for every situation.
I still feel that Winex still have some work to do on this shuttle un
till they
are ready for shipping but they are on the right way, maybe the real
head will change the behavior in a way that make it perfect we just
have to
wait and see, I would also like to have the aerodynamics changed a bit
solve the behavior of the shuttle suddenly stop spinning, since I found
a bit disturbing and strange.
However I'm already looking forward to the third edition real cork head
samples and the possible step forward in feel and sound that might be
the benefit of a real cork head.
Stay tuned / Stefan
Below this level of the page you will find the result from the V1
(Alpha stage) Nanofly test.
it for reference only and not for judging the final product.
All the new stuff will be found At the top of this page as the review
will go on.
And the final judgment of the final version will also be found at the
top when time comes!
Winex Nanofly
Shuttlecocks is suppose to be "Just like real feather shuttlecocks"
They come in 75, 76, 77, and 78 speed. My sample tube came in 77.
If it is the "First innovation in the world" then it might save some
birds in the future!
I will try to find out....
Fingers and eyes says
this is a cheep synthetic toy shuttle and i must say most of the
synthetics I have held in my hand has been better looking.
Anyhow the looks isn't the most important thing so lets hope my worst
thoughts will
fall down in shame
The synthetic cork in a
fighting view, there are some irregularity's in the surface
but nothing that will have impact on the precision of the strokes but
The secret key
according to Winex is the fixing point of the skirt that is closer to
edge than the competition (Yonex?) Winex also state that they use
NanoNylon for the skirt/feathers [Read more
about NanoNylon Here!]
Compared to the
Yonex 350 the Nanofly skirt is fitted much closer to the edge.
It is also attached in a more "Feather like" way.
The competitor Mavis
2000 has the same skirt to cork interface as the 350 and 370 from the
same company so there is something unique with the Winex Nanofly after
How the feathers
are attached on the real thing (RSL Classic Tourney)
Another view of
the skirt to cork interface.
A even closer look at
the synthetic cork, not as smooth as I would have wished for.
But again, it is the way it feels when you play it that counts.
Smash sound test!
nanofly vs
Yonex Mavis 350 vs
RSL Classic

The test rig for shuttlecock smash test in my living room!
Click images to
download sound files or click arrow >
to play direct (almost)
sure to crank up the volume and use proper speakers or headphones.
Your built in computer speakers will not reveal anything at all!
shuttlecocks compare chart (Taken from Winex
web site)
or Complex material
Cork & PU
pcs roots into head
One pc into head
pcs into head
Animal feather
A little faster
Same speed
76,77,78, 79
Slow, medium, fast
is only a testing report in Taiwan, no any prejudice. The real result
will be depended on locally test under different environment of
temperature and humidity.

characteristics in accordance with Winex
Nanofly Europe web site.
My impressions of the
first evening of playing the WinexNanofly!
This was suppose to be the evening we first played the Holy grail of
shuttle cocks the one that was claimed to have the "Winex Nanofly
Impact sounds like 80% real feather" as stated in there catalogue.
And a flight much closer to the real thing (Feather) than any previous
I got a mixed feeling and experience of those new shuttles, they played
quite well.
They felt a bit heavy when you hit them but light in your hand!?
the sound was sharper and harder than the Mavis 350 that have a very
damp sound
but It didn't sound like the real thing, I don't know what 40 or 60% of
real feather sounds like so it could have been 80% but no no no not
like the real thing :0}
Closer to feather in fact than the Mavis 350 it has a more constant
speed, not like
the Mavis 350 that goes rely fast (to fast) when you hit it hard.
This is probably due to the stiffer skirt of the Winex Nanofly and
maybe also due
to the different geometry it gets by fitting the skirt closer to the
edge of the cork.
But again you probably wouldn't ditch feather after trying the Nanofly.
When I hit the Nanofly for a clear it feels a bit heavy it also
sometimes stops
spinning, this looks weird because it sometimes spins just fine and
after a virtually exactly the same stroke flies without rotation!
My sample was delivered at speed 77, however the traveled quite a bit
than the RSL Classic at same speed that I used for reference.
All of my samples was traveling straight and was very close to each
other in flight
so the quality seams to be even and high in regards of consistency.
the same thing as quality)
Compared to the Mavis 350 the Nanofly seams to last about half as long
the shuttle was "unplayable" however I also felt that it kept it's
initial characteristics
for a longer time than the Mavis 350.
Compared to feather (RSL Classic) the Nanofly of course lasted longer
but still I
expected higher durability from a synthetic shuttle than I got with the
This is probably a result of using a stiffer polymer in the skirt to
obtain the advantage
of having a smash speed curve being closer to the feathers than the
Mavis 350.
I have also played the new Yonex Mavis 2000 and my experience of them
that they share some of the things with both the good old 350 and the
Winex Nanofly
and mix it in to what I consider to be the best of two worlds.
The playing and change characteristics of the Mavis 2000 is close to
the Winex Nanofly
than the 350 and the durability closer to the 350 than the Winex.
I was tempted to become the Scandinavian General Agent for the Winex
in fact I was asked to, however I feel that Winex is on the right way
in some respect
but still not there, so I pass this time.
I still hope they keep up their work and development and maybe in the
future we will
play plastic even in the Olympics (Either by
highly developed
synthetic shuttles or by international boycott of feathers due to the
birds benefit!)

To the left and above.
2 sets of regular single play wit some but not
extensive smashing the shuttle was now
unplayable and wobbled uncontrolled a
replacement was necessary.
To the left
The 2nd shuttle lasted for about a
20 stroke rally and then started
to behave strange.
When examined, several "Feathers" was
found broken close to the "cork" base.
This one actually behaved like a real
feather shuttle in regards of life length