About my findings and frustrations while digging in to the IOT world (Internet of things) Go there ->

Just to make this clear I’m NOT a programming virtuoso, not even close!

However I will try to write down what I find out during my struggle to get my ideas to work.
I do this more like notes for my own reference but decided to share it just in case someone else might find it usefull. No! I will no be offended by creative and helpful suggestions!

My primary tools and hardware is a few different  ESP8266 development modules and boards, various Android phones and pads plus software and apps like, MIT App Invenor 2,  BLYNK and I will probably also dive in to MQTT and some other programing languages huuu…

ESP8266 in various shapes
ESP8266 in various incarnations and development boards.

Note: Info about the board in the top right corner is hard to get, I will post some secrets here sooon :-)

And all this just for fun :0)

The list of projects that I have in mind are finished or in progress the italics not yet started.